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PO BOX 202


"President's Message"
by Nitin Daniels


  • *New Jersey Police Officers Shot in Woodbridge,

  • *Police investigating triple shooting,

    *Police searching for person who fled deadly crash,

    *New Jersey police departments struggle to recruit new officers,

    *Police officer recovering after being shot by a woman,

    *Out of control woman attacks ten year old boy bites arresting officer.

    •       These are some of the headlines in the news.  We are in a sad “state of affairs”.  Road rage, speeding tailgating multiple motor vehicle violations are observed every day.

            Entitlement is growing.  Lack of respect for humanity is visible in society.  Where is society headed.  A school bus driver was charged with DWI – DRIVING A SCHOOL BUS with 27 children on board.  She was recently sentenced to 14 years in prison.  That was great and we need to address ALL crimes in the nation.  Shoplifting may not mean much to some folks, but it is a rising crime.  It is driving businesses to close.  Car thieves are running rampant across the nation as the stolen cars are used in other crimes and some of them are violent crimes.  The punishment must be swift and appropriate. Most of these criminals walk around free, thanks to the REFORM. If there are no consequences of the actions, it is a welcome sign for people to commit those crimes. Politicians, Judges, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement MUST work together and utilize the tools available to keep society safe from these violent criminals.

            112,000 people died of overdose in the country.  Overdose deaths rise as opioid epidemic continues to sweep.  I have always said that we are not going to arrest our way out of this epidemic.  Much more is needed in addition to rehab. After rehab family and friends support and constant education must continue. Schools must continue to have drug harm reduction presentations.  Law Enforcement MUST continue to dismantle drug trafficking organizations at the street level, midlevel and at the top level.  Illicitly gained property and money must be seized and utilized to enforce drug enforcement and public education. Making Marijuana legal across the states have caused problems and illegal money being laundered across the nation.  It may be a booming business for some, but the federal government should NOT change the Schedule.

            Law Enforcement must continue to train in ALL aspects – street survival, courtroom survival, inter-action with the public who are mentally challenged, drug enforcement, ghost gun investigations and gang awareness and many more topics.  A well-trained LEO is a less likely to create issues for him/herself and the employing agency. Raise your own bar of public service.

            Finally, we hear – Happy Fourth.  It our Independence Day, so make sure you greet others with a Happy Independence Day as we continue to fight to keep the great USA safe!  Thank you to all the veterans who are currently deployed in countries like Syria and Iraq.  STAY WELL, STAY SAFE and keep your family first.  I failed that part, but you should not.  Learn from mistakes made by others so that you may not make the same mistake.


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