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There are three (3) levels of Law Enforcement membership in the NJNEOA.  It is for individuals who are either active in or retired from a law enforcement agency.

1) "1- Year General Membership" 

2) "3- Year General Membership" 

3) "Lifetime Membership"

*Non-Law Enforcement may apply for an Associate Membership.  Please call 732-659-3208 or email editor@njneoa.org for details.*

Please watch video for an explanation of each level's benefits.

     There are 3-levels of Law Enforcement Memberships available: a 1-year Membership,  a 3-year Membership (which is a minimum of a $20.00 savings) and the Lifetime Membership.  Both the 1-year and 3-year Membership levels runs in conjunction with the calendar year.  If you join anytime from January to October, your dues are for that current year.  Anyone joining from October through December, their dues will include the following calendar year.  The Lifetime Membership level is infinite.

      If you are interested in joining use the "Join Us" link on this website and complete the online application.  Each member must have their own separate email address for membership.  The email address serves as your ID in the database system.  Should you change email addresses, you must update your profile on your member's page with the new email.  Issues of the NJNEOA Newsletters and News Magazine are sent to your email, along with dues renewal notices and notifications of any NJNEOA: Seminars, Conferences and Events.

     Individuals who have had their membership lapse through non-payment of dues, either personally or by their agency, after a one (1) period, will need to reapply for membership as a new member.  When the online application is received, you will be assigned your previous NJNEOA number.  However there will be a break in membership, thus preventing the previous years being counted towards a "Life Member" status, since it requires that you be an ACTIVE / DUES PAYING member for twenty-five (25) consecutive years.


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